BIOS 339 Released for ROG Ally
This BIOS 339 Update changed the ROG Allys fan curve for when it is plugged in and when it is on battery.

New BIOS 339 Announced on ROG Ally Discord

The Update is now live via the Armory Crate, and I will post the download link to the website when it goes live.
ASUS Direct Download Link to BIOS 339
Here's what's new:
- Increased the fan noise level in Turbo mode when the Ally is plugged in from 30dBA to 35dBA, and from 25dBA to 30dBA when it's on battery power.
- ROG also adjusted the minimum fan speed in Manual mode to kick in at a specific temperature.
Follow this guide on how to install a bios update on your ROG Ally, or checkout the video below.